Take Action!
2014 Colorado Election Calender:
Published October 13, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey
Mark your calendars for the following important political dates.
- Tue Mar 4, 2014: Precinct Caucuses 6:00pm – 9:00pm (Sign up to support Steve! Click Here.)
- Sat Mar 15, 2014: Weld GOP District Conventions 8:00am – 3:00pm (Volunteer)
- Sat Mar 29, 2014: Weld GOP County Convention 8:00am – 3:00pm (Volunteer)
- Fri Apr 11, 2014: Colorado GOP Congressional Conventions – 4:00pm – 9:00pm
- Sat Apr 12, 2014: Colorado GOP State Convention
- Tue Jun 24, 2014: Colorado Primary Election Day (Volunteer)
- Tue Nov 4, 2014: General Election Day (Volunteer)
Upconing Events
Published October 13, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey
- The 2013 Parade season has ended.
- Check back for more dates and times. In the mean time, to get in touch with Steve, click here!
- Sign up to host an event for Steve.
Humphrey to serve on Flood Disaster Study Committee
Published October 10, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey

Nearly a month in steps are being taken on the long road to Colorado’s recovery from September’s floods that tore through roads, towns, homes and lives.
In response, the Colorado legislature announced a 12-member bipartisan Flood Disaster Study Committee Wednesday.
Republicans in the House are represented by minority leader Brian DelGrosso of Loveland, Rep. Stephen Humphrey of Severance and Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg of Sterling.
(Read More: http://blogs.denverpost.com/thespot/2013/10/09/the-process-of-flood-recovery-for-colorado-is-just-beginning/101453/)
Flood Update #5
Published October 4, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey

God bless the folks at Gusher Oilfield Services for answering the call to help people in need in House District 48!Chris and his team are doing a great job tonite filling up dump trucks and hauling off all the foul debris and gutted house waste from the yards of Sue Israel and Sharon Duvall. Sue said, “Yeah this is widow row…,” and Sharon smiled and said “yes it is!”
Thanks again to Gusher (who said they will stick around and help the other families on the street as well) and a shout out is due to Jaimie Baessler, President of Baessler Homes, for pointing me in the right direction to find help for these folks. And thanks again to Samaritans purse for the tens of thousands of dollars worth of work they did gutting both of these homes for these families.
Flood Update #4
Published October 3, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey

Had a meeting this morning in Milliken with Governor Hickenlooper, Senator Scott Renfroe, Mayor Pro Tem Julie Cozad, Police Chief Jim Burack, and Trustees Jordan Jemiola Ted Chavez, Lois Ann Onorato, Reid Hobler, and Linda Beck. We discussed a lot of issues and concerns about the flood recovery in Milliken. We also took a tour and had a chance to meet and talk to the residents in the worst affected neighborhood, which was very helpful. The Governor emphasized his intent to expedite recovery by cutting through bureaucratic red tape where possible.
Flood Update #3
Published September 26, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey

Helping clean up at a home in my district this morning.
A Samaritan’s Purse team has been doing great work gutting out this flooded house. It was a great opportunity to talk to the volunteers , visit with the owner, and make a few phone calls to help expedite cleanup of that un-sanitary mountain of garbage dominating the front yard! There are a lot of homeowners who still need help and Samaritans Purse says that they still need volunteers.
The weekend is coming and might be a great opportunity for a lot of us to get our hands dirty and be a real blessing to one of your neighbors!
Journey Christian in Greeley is 1 place you can call/ internet search on if you would like to help. Literally people from all over the country were here working to help this widow get her home back.
Flood Update #2
Published September 20, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey

Out along the South Platte this afternoon I had a conversation with a constituent who asked if the emergency warning system for floods doesn’t need some fine tuning.
Acknowledging that this was an unprecedented event, he felt that when there is awesome flooding upstream maybe notifications could be made quick for the folks downstream.
He was understandably frustrated that he was unaware of the potential degree of flooding that you see in the posted photo…. Yep, that’s the property in question.
I appreciate the feedback I’m receiving in my district.
Flood Update
Published September 19, 2013 | By Steve Humphrey

During this unprecedented disaster, crews are on-site implementing containment and clean-up efforts. We need to work diligently to make sure all necessary resources are available for a full recovery and to get these folks back online as soon as possible.
As you know, oil and gas is the life blood for Weld County’s economic workforce. Right now, instead of rushing to judgement against this industry that is truly vital to the livelihood of all Coloradans, we need to stay focused on helping those affected for the sake of overall flood recovery.
Steve Humphrey Wins June 26th Republican Primary!
Published June 27, 2012 | By Steve Humphrey

Greeley Tribune: Severance Republican Steve Humphrey beat Jeffrey Hare for the GOP nomination in House District 48… (Read More) PDF

Contact Steve
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 788
Windsor, CO 80550
(970) 290-8589
Yard Signs Available
Published May 13, 2012 | By Steve Humphrey

Good news!
We have yard signs available!
If you would like to show your support for Steve Humphrey please fill out a request for one by clicking here.
Steve or one of his campaign teem will be happy rush a sign out to you at your earliest convenience.
Prepared and Paid for by Humphrey for House.